ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩ The sound of Α~Ω The Α~Ω have twenty-four letters:
Chin Dabid ( ΔΑΒΙΔ ).…按 PrtSc鍵,貼在「小畫家」中,就可以白白的印出來看看喔!
The ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ is The LORD OF LORDS and the Α, and is the Ω. |
Form. | Phonetic Value. | Name. | Form. | Phonetic Value. | Name. | ||
Α | α | papa, father | Alpha | Ν | ν | now | Nu |
Β | β | bed | Beta | Ξ | ξ | wax | Xi |
Γ | γ | go or sing | Gamma | Ο | ο | obey, short as in pot | Omicron |
Δ | δ | do | Delta | Π | π | pet | Pi |
Ε | ε | met | Epsilon | Ρ | ρ | run | Rho |
Ζ | ζ | adze | Zeta | Σ | σ | sit | Sigma |
Η | η | prey | Eta | Τ | τ | tell | Tau |
Θ | θ | thin | Theta | Υ | υ | French u | Upsilon |
Ι | ι | pin, machine | Iota | Φ | φ | graphic | Phi |
Κ | κ | kill | Kappa | Χ | χ | German buch | Chi |
Λ | λ | land | Lambda | Ψ | ψ | hips | Psi |
Μ | μ | men | Mu | Ω | ω | tone | Omega |
The diphthongs are pronounced: | |||||||
ΑΙ | as in | aisle | ΑΥ | as ou in | our | ||
ΕΙ | as in | eight | ΥΙ | as in | quit | ||
ΟΙ | as in | oil | ΟΥ | as in | group |
重要字詞: Ο ΙΗΣΟΥΣΟ 冠詞;主格nom.;陽性masc.;單數s. ΙΗΣΟΥΣ 天神的聖尊名(主格) ΘΕΟΣ 天神 說明: 1. 在「秦文」中,天的原意是「一大」,也就是說秦始王時代正統信仰、敬拜的天 - 就是惟一無二至高至聖至大的天神 2.文字是秦始王所統一的,所以不該稱中文、漢文或華文,而該稱為秦文。此外秦族和漢族是不同的兩族(就如同滿族和漢族是不同的兩族),秦族是 - ΝΩΕ的長子ΣΗΝ的後嗣 - 。 Ο ΩΝ ΚΑΙ Ο ΗΝ ΚΑΙ Ο ΕΡΧΟΜΕΝΟΣ Ο ΠΑΝΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ 這 今是 和 這 昔是 和 這 將是 這 全能者 昔是今是以後永是的全能者 ΠΑΝΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ: ALMIGHTY: (often cap.) having the power to do anything; OMNIPOTENT Ο ΠΑΝΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ全能者 Ο ΘΕΟΣ ΜΟΥ我的神 Ο ΚΥΡΙΟΣ ΜΟΥ我的主 ΠΑΤΕΡ ΗΜΩΝ Ο ΕΝ ΤΟΙΣ ΟΥΡΑΝΟΙΣ 爸爸 我們的 這 在 這些(pl. dat. masc.) 高空(pl. dat.)(我們在天上的爸爸) ΚΑΙ ΜΗ ΕΙΣΕΝΕΓΚΗΣ ΗΜΑΣ ΕΙΣ ΠΕΙΡΑΣΜΟΝ ΑΛΛΑ ΡΥΣΑΙ ΗΜΑΣ ΑΠΟ ΤΟΥ ΠΟΝΗΡΟΥ 且 勿 來 我們 進入ΠΕΙΡΑΣΜΟΝ 但 救 我們 從 那(s. masc. gen.) 惡 (不叫我們暴於Temptation,從一切惡人中,救我們。) ΕΙΣΕΙΜΙ: come or go into , enter ; visit ; make one’s appearance ; come before the court ; come into one’s mind , seize ΠΕΙΡΑΣΜΟΣ: temptation : something that attracts or tempts Attract: to cause to like, admire, notice, or turn towards Tempt : to ( try to ) persuade (someone) to do something bad Persuade : to cause to do something by reasoning , arguing , begging , etc. ΡΥΟΜΑΙ : save , deliver , protect , redeem , cure , heal ; shield , cover ; check , hold back ΠΟΝΗΡΟΣ : bad , wicked , villainous ; useless , ill , distressed , painful , dangerous Villain : ( esp. in old plays , films and stories ) a wicked man esp. the main bad character Ill (adj): 1. not well in health 2. bad ; harmful Ill(adv) : badly ; unpleasantly Distress : ( a cause of ) great suffering , pain , or discomfort ΧΡΙΣΤΩ : anointed; the Anointed One Anoint : to put oil on(a person, head, or body), esp. in a religious ceremony ΧΡΙΣΤΟΝ : acc. …ΧΡΙΣΤΩ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥ : gen. …ΧΡΙΣΤΩ Η ΚΙΒΩΤΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗΣ ΑΥΤΟΥ ΕΝ ΤΩ ΝΑΩΑΥΤΟΥ: the box of the covenant of Him in the oracle of Him Η ΚΙΒΩΤΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗΣ 這約櫃 ΚΙΒΩΤΟΣ: chest, box 盒子,約櫃,方舟 ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗΣ: covenant 約(所有格) ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗ, ΗΣ, Η : covenant 約 Ο ΝΑΟΣ ΤΟΥ ΘΕΟΥ 這 天神諭示處(oracle) 這 天神的 ΤΟ ΙΕΡΟΝ ΤΟΥ ΘΕΟΥ 這 殿 這 天神的 Ο ΟΙΚΑΣ ΤΟΥ ΘΕΟΥ 這 房屋 這 天神的 ΙΕΡΟΥΣΑΛΗΜ 耶路撒冷 ΑΔΑΜ 亞當 ΝΩΕ挪亞 ΣΗΝ 閃 ΑΒΡΑΑΝ 亞伯拉罕 ΣΑΡΡΑ 撒拉 ΙΣΑΑΚ 以撒 ΡΕΒΕΚΚΑ 利百加 ΗΣΑΥ 以掃 ΙΑΚΩΒ 雅各 ΜΩΣΗΣ 摩西 ΔΑΒΙΔ Darbid(英文誤稱為David,秦文誤譯為「大衛」) ΣΟΛΟΜΩΝ 所羅門 Η ΑΣΤΡΑΠΗ ΕΞΕΡΧΕΤΑΙ ΑΠΟ ΑΝΑΤΟΛΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΦΑΙΝΕΤΑΙ ΕΩΣ ΔΥΣΜΩΝ 這(fem. s.) 閃電 發出 從 東方 且 一直照 到 西方 古譯:閃電從東方發出且一直照到西方 ΟΤΙ ΣΟΥ ΕΣΤΙΝ Η ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ ΚΑΙ Η ΔΥΝΑΜΙΣ ΚΑΙ Η ΔΟΞΑ ΕΙΣ ΤΟΥΣ ΑΙΩΝΑΣ ΑΜΗΝ 因為 您的(s. gen.) 是(s. 3pers.) 這(s. fem.) 王國 和 這 能力(fem.) 和 這 榮耀 歸 這(pl. acc. masc.) 世世代代(acc. pl.) ΑΜΗΝ (因為王國、權柄、榮耀,全是您的,直到永遠,ΑΜΗΝ) ΔΥΝΑΜΙΣ Ability : power and skill, esp. to do, think, make, etc. Might : power; strength; force Power : what one can do Strength: the quality or degree of being strong Military force / military : of, for, by, or connected with soldiers, armies, or war fought by armies Army : the military forces of a country, esp. those trained to fight on land Talent : special natural ability or skill Faculty : a natural power or ability, esp. of the mind Power of speech Miracle : an act or happening (usu. having a good result), that cannot be explained by the laws of nature, esp. one done by a holy person Influence : (the action of) power to gain an effect (結果) on the mind of or get results from (產生), without asking or doing anything Worth : value Value : the degree of usefulness of something Meaning : the idea which is intended to be understood Signification : (intended) meaning (of a word, etc). (字等的)意義;含意 ΔΟΞΑ Opinion : belief or judgement not founded on complete knowledge Notion : idea; opinion Expectation: expecting; awaiting / expect: think or believe that something will happen or come, that somebody will come; wish for and feel confident that one will receive False opinion Delusion: false opinion or belief, esp one that may be a symptom(症狀) of madness(瘋狂,神經錯亂) Fancy: power of creating mental(精神的;心理的) pictures [often a passive(消極的;被動的) process (過程)] Decree: order given by a ruler or authority and having the force of a law(君主或政府所下的具有法律效力命令;法令) Project: (plan for a) scheme (計畫) or undertaking (事業) Judgement : judging or being judged / judge: (of God) supreme(最高的) arbiter (裁決人); public officer with authority to hear and decide決定 cases in a law court (法庭) Reputation : the general opinion about the character, qualities, etc of somebody or something Report : account of, statement about, something heard, seen, done, etc Honor : great respect; high public regard (注重) Glory : 1 high fame (聲譽) and honor won by great achievements (達成) 2 adoration (崇拜) and thanksgiving offered (給予) to God Splendour : magnificence (壯麗); brightness ΚΗΡΥΧΘΗΣΕΤΑΙ ΤΟΥΤΟ ΤΟ ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑΣ ΕΝ ΟΛΗ ΤΗ ΟΙΚΟΥΜΕΝΗ ΕΙΣ ΜΑΡΤΥΡΙΟΝ ΠΑΣΙΝ ΤΟΙΣ ΕΘΝΕΣΙΝ要被傳揚 這一個 這 福音 這 王國的 在 普 這 天下 作 一個見證 對萬 這些 族群 王國的福音要傳到天下對萬民作見證 ΕΘΝΟΣ: company, band; people, nation, tribe; class of men; gentiles Company: a group of people combined together for business, trade, artistic purposes, etc. Band: a group of persons doing something together under a leader and with a common purpose People: 1. persons in general 2. those persons belonging to a place, or forming a social class 3. all the persons forming a state 4. those persons who are not nobles, not high in rank, position, etc. 5. one's near relations 6. race, tribe, nation Nation: large community of people associated with a particular territory usu speaking a single language and use having a political character or political aspiration Tribe: racial group, esp one united by language and customs, living as a community under one or more chiefs Gentiles: (persons) not ΕΒΡΑΙΟΥΣ ΕΒΡΑΙΟΥΣ:希伯來人(pl) ΑΓΑΠΗΣΕΙΣ ΤΟΝ ΠΛΗΣΙΟΝ ΣΟΥ ΩΣ ΣΕΑΥΤΟΝ你將愛(2 pers. s. fut.) 這一位(s. acc. masc) 靠近地(adv.) 你的(s. gen.) 如同 你自己古譯:要愛人如己 ΦΑΡΙΣΑΙΟΙ nom. and voc. Pl 法利賽人 ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΙΣ nom. Acc and voc. Pl文士 經學家 抄寫員 ΥΠΟΚΡΙΤΑΙ 偽君子(複) ΥΠΟΚΡΙΤΗΣ: actor; hypocrite偽君子(單) hypocrite: a person who says one thing and does another , usu. something worse ; one who practices HYPOCRISY hypocrisy: the act or practice of pretending to believe, feel, or be something very different from, and usu. better than, what one actually believes, feels, or is ΚΥΡΙΟΣ Ο ΘΕΟΣ ΗΜΩΝ ΚΥΡΙΟΣ ΕΙΣ ΕΣΤΙΝ主 這 天神 我們的 主 一 是 主我們的主神是獨一的 Η ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΘΕΟΥ 這(fem.) 王國(fem.) 這(s. masc. gen.) 天神的(s. gen. masc.)天神的王國 ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑ王國 KINGDOM : a country governed by a king ; monarchy ; hereditary monarchy Ο ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΙΟΥΔΑΙΩΝ這 王 這(pl. neut. gen.) ΙΟΥΔΑΙΩΝ那ΙΟΥΔΑΙΩΝ的王 ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ: A hereditary king, prince, ruler; emperor; without def art the king of Persia; lord, nobleman Persian : (inhabitant) of Persia (now Iran); language of the people of Persia (now Iran) 波斯的(波斯即現在的伊朗) ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ 約翰 ΑΠΟΚΑΛΥΨΙΣ 啟示 ΒΙΒΛΟΣ 紙草之書 ΒΑΒΥΛΩΝ 巴比倫 ΑΜΗΝ 阿門 ΠΝΕΥΜΑ wind, air ; breath; life ,spirit , mind ; inspiration (靈感) ; ghost, spiritual being; Holy Spirit ΠΝΕΥΜΑΤΑ nom. And acc. pl Inspiration : (something or someone which causes) an urge to produce good and beautiful things, esp. work of art Urge v : 1 to drive or force (forward); encourage推進,驅策 2 to beg or strongly persuade力勸; 激勵; 慫恿 3 to tell of with force; stress 敦促; 極力主張; 強調 Urge n : A strong wish or need 強烈的欲望; 迫切的要求; 衝動 ΙΣΡΑΗΛ 以色列 ΙΟΥΔΑΣ 猶大 ΡΟΥΒΗΝ 呂便 ΓΑΔ 迦得 ΑΣΗΡ 亞設 ΝΕΦΘΑΛΕΙΜ 拿弗他利 ΜΑΝΑΣΣΗΣ 瑪拿西 ΣΥΜΕΩΝ 西緬 ΛΕΥΙ 利未 ΙΣΑΧΑΡ 以薩迦 ΖΑΒΟΥΩΝ 西布倫 ΙΩΣΗΦ 約瑟 ΒΕΝΙΑΜΙΝ 便雅憫 ΧΑΝΑΑΝΑΙΟΣ 迦南人 ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ 撒但 ΔΙΑΒΟΛΟΣ 魔鬼 ΔΡΑΚΩΝ 龍 ΑΡΧΑΙΟΣ Α ΟΝ: 老 ΟΦΙΣ 蛇 Ο ΔΙΑΒΟΛΟΣ: slanderer, fiend, devil 1. slanderer-> slander: (1) am intentionally false spoken report, story, etc., which unfairly damages the good opinion held about a person by others (2)(offence of making a) false statement that damages a person's reputation 2. fiend: (1) a devil or evil spirit (2)a person who is very keen on something stated 3. devil: (usa. cap.) the most powerful evil ΣΑΤΑΝ Ο Hebr ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ Α Ο: satan, devil ΔΡΑΚΩΝ ΟΝΤΟΣ Ο: dragon; serpent 1.dragon: (1) an imaginary fire-breathing animal in children's stories (2) fabulous creature like a crocodile or snake, often with wings and claws, able to breathe out fire, often guarding a treasure 2.serpent: lit. a snake ΟΦΙΣ ΕΩΣ Ο: snake snake: a clod-blooded animal with a long limbless(無肢) body, a fork-shaped tongue, and often a poisonous bite fork: a place where something long and narrow divides, or one of the divided parts poison: substance that harms or kills if a living animal or plant takes it in ΑΡΧΑΙΟΣ Α ΟΝ: ancient, primeval, old time-honoured, antiquated; former, bygone ancient: (adj) in or of times long ago primeval: of the earliest period of the earth's existence; very ancient honour: to show respect to antiquated: (adj often derog) old and not suited to present needs or conditions; not modern; old-fashioned former: of an earlier time bygone: (adj A no comp.) gone by; past ΕΔΩΚΕΝ : 給 (3 pers. s. aor. 1, ind. Act.) ΑΥΤΩ : 他自己 ΓΕΕΝΝΑ ΗΣ Η 欣嫩子谷 此字作地獄 地獄的火 ΚΑΙ ΠΑΣ ΟΣ ΑΦΗΚΕΝ ΟΙΚΙΑΣ Η ΑΔΕΛΦΟΥΣ Η ΑΔΕΛΦΑΣ Η ΠΑΤΕΡΑ Η ΜΗΤΕΡΑ Η ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑ Η ΤΕΚΝΑ Η ΑΓΡΟΥΣ ΕΝΕΚΕΝ ΤΟΥ ΟΝΟΜΑΤΟΣ ΜΟΥ ΕΚΑΤΟΝΤΑΠΛΑΣΙΟΝΑ ΛΗΨΕΤΑΙ ΚΑΙ ΖΩΗΝ ΑΙΩΝΙΟΝ ΚΛΗΡΟΝΟΜΗΣΕΙ and everyone left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or woman or children or fields (for the sake of) (of the) name my (many hundredfold) (will receive) and life eternal will inherit The LORD'S name is not Jesus nor 耶穌, HIS NAME IS ΙΗΣΟΥΣ ! ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑ acc. Sing. . . . ΓΥΝΗ ΓΥΝΗ ΓΥΝΑΙΚΟΣ Η 1. woman, lady [1]woman: a full grown human female [2]lady: (polite) a woman, esp. a woman of good social position 2. wife: the woman to whom a man is married 3. mistress: (1) a woman who is in control (2) a woman with whom a man has a sexual relationship, usu. not a socially acceptable one 4. widow: a woman whose husband has died, and who has not married again 5. servant: (1) a person who is paid to work for another in the other’s house (2) a person used for the service or purpose of another ΟΝΟΜΑΤΟΣ gen. sing. . . . ΟΝΟΜΑ ΟΝΟΜΑ 1. name, word, term [1] name (1) the word(s) that someone or something is called or known by (2) fame; the opinion others have of one [2] word: (1) (a written representation of ) one or more sounds which can be spoken to represent an idea, object, action, etc. (2) [S] the shortest ( type of ) statement [3] term: to name; call 2. title [1] a name given to a book, painting, play, etc. [2] a word or name, such as “Mr.”, “Lady”, “Doctor”, “General”, etc., used before a person’s name as a sign of rank, profession, etc. [3] the lawful right to ownership or possession 3. fame, report [1] fame: the condition of being well known and talked about [2] report (1) an account or description of events, experiences, business records etc. (2) the noise of an explosion or shot (3) (a piece of ) talk that spreads without official support 4. pretence, pretext [1] pretence: a false appearance, reason, or show intended to deceive or as a game [2] pretext: a reason given for an action in order to hide the real intention; excuse ΕΚΑΤΟΝΤΑΠΛΑΣΙΟΝΑ acc. S. m. and pl. neut. . . . ΕΚΑΤΟΝΤΑΠΛΑΣΙΩΝ: a hundredfold or many hundredfold ΕΚΑΤΟΝ: a hundred |